
Repair To The Shed

We haven’t done too much interior work recently, but we did fix the shed…

Since we bought the house the back floor in the shed has had a rotten floor and has limited our storage space.

Repair shed floor

So we cleared out the shed (which was too full to even set foot in) and fixed the back area. We tore out the old rotten wood, built new framing out of 2×4’s and put down new plywood. So now we were able to organize the shed and are able to actually walk inside of it again.

Repair shed floor

Kudzu Update:


Watching the neighbor’s kudzu has almost become a game for us…”where will it go next?” It had already climbed up the electricity meter to the fascia board and had engulfed the non-existing gas meter. Or at least until recently when the gas company came out and actually hooked up the neighbor’s gas (and in the process removed some of said kudzu around the gas meter). The most recent excitement was that one plant was heading towards the window fan. I think it actually started to wrap itself around some of the fan!

So ironically we decided to go to Lowe’s recently to buy some Round-Up kudzu killer. When we left the kudzu was there. When we came back with the kudzu killer it was gone! Apparently while we were at the store our neighbor had decided that the kudzu on the side of the house was getting too much (maybe they started noticing the kudzu attaching to the window fan?) and chopped it down a good amount. Of course we were also surprised by the chopped off kudzu that was now covering our driveway. We weren’t sure whether to be ecstatic that the kudzu was gone or upset that our driveway was covered with the remains. So while doing yard work the other day Patrick took the liberty of going over the area with the lawn mower to ensure the kudzu was cut even shorter.

In the meanwhile the backyard is still covered waist high in kudzu and we attempted to spray some of it with the kudzu killer along the property line. Our neighbor has also informed us that they would tackle the back of the yard in the winter/next summer, so we’ll still have to fight it until then.

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Moving Week(s)

I’ve fallen behind on posting updates of our progress, but that should be understandable considering our moving chaos and stress! So here’s a long one to catch up on the past 2 weeks…

Monday, January 29th
We’ve assembled the majority of our furniture by the door in our loft.


Tuesday, January 30th

Our mess of a bedroom (in the house)!

Bedroom storage

Our gas meter is here to stay, woohoo.

Gas meter

A nice surprise on moving day was the “Herbie Curbie” (as the city calls them). I had called them numerous times to get it and they refused to bring us one until we were living there (“it may get stolen otherwise”). After somewhat bitching out a lady the previous week I didn’t anticipate it actually being here.

Herbie curbie trash can

Wednesday, January 31st

Our first morning at the house! Patrick looking very tired – but at least I managed to find the toaster to make us bagels.

First morning in house

Thursday, February 1st

Rain coming through our door into the laundry room.

Rain leaking

Water even coming out by the electrical switch – eek.

Electical switch leaking water

The floor is still wet from where a lake formed under our kitchen sink. We loooove our plumber!

Leaking kitchen sink

Our view from the toilet. I thought it was kind of amusing with no door and “brown carpet”. :)

Bathroom door molding

Friday, February 2nd

The kitchen built-in is coming back together.

Butler's pantry construction

In the process of my 7-hour journey of unpacking the kitchen.

Organizing kitchen

Patrick putting “fluff” (as Melisa calls it) in a ceiling hole by the chandelier.

Dining room chandelier patching

Our bathroom is looking a bit more usable.


Saturday, February 3rd

Cleaning the built-in bookshelf in the living room. Look how dirty it was!

Living room cleaning

We finally have a calm enough evening where we can celebrate our move into the house.

Celebrate with cava

Sunday, February 4th

Blinds have been hung up in the living room so we have some privacy from the street. (And the table has been moved from the living room into the dining room.)

Living room

Monday, February 5th

The contractors were supposed to remove an old eletrical outlet from the dining room bay window. Since they haven’t done it Patrick decided to take matters into his own hands. He also cleaned up the bay window, which was covered in dust and junk.

Old pipe

Our driveway is starting to look more inviting. Of course we already managed to fill up our “Herbie Curbie.”

Clean driveway

Our unfinished laundry room has turned into a chaotic storage room.

Messy laundry room

You know you live in an “under construction” house when the nail hole filler lies next to the facial cream in your bathroom!

Construction living

Our sink area is looking pretty nice.

Medicine cabinet

Tuesday, February 6th

Nothing to report, but we had a beautiful sunset from our office.

Westview sunset

Wednesday, February 7th

We’ve put up the bathroom door so our guest can have some privacy.

Bathroom opaque glass door

The range vent hood is being replaced.

Kitchen cabinet

The kitchen cabinet hardware has been put on.

Kitchen cabinet door handles

The laundry faucet box has been framed out – somewhat lacking if you ask me.

Washer hookup

Thursday, February 8th

We spent half the evening scrubbing and cleaning the living room fireplace.

Cleaning fireplace

And the other half partially cleaning the front bedroom windows and putting up the blinds (so our guest can have some privacy while he sleeps here!).

Parlor blinds

Saturday, February 10th

Volunteers from Trees Atlanta planting trees along our street.

Trees Atlanta Westview planting

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