Category Archive: General

Exciting Project Updates

I know our loyal readers are eagerly awaiting our next post, so I wanted to share a few projects that we have going on.

First up is the veggie garden. It has grown quite a lot with all of the rain. (Scroll down the page to see the photo when we planted the veggies.) I am loving the raised bed because it hasn’t really had any weeds and we were able to give the plants some great soil to grow in. I also think it looks pretty cool. The tomato plants are huge, and the green peppers are already full of peppers.

Growing Garden

Growing Garden

The next project is *drum roll please* – PAINTING THE HOUSE! We have wanted to paint the exterior for quite a while, but it is a huge task. The house hasn’t been properly painted in years, so there is a ton of prep work involved. We did hire professionals for this project, so it should get done fairly quickly. The first step was to pressure wash the exterior, which they did on Friday. You should have seen the dirt pouring off the house.

This is what it looks like after the pressure washing. Next up is scraping and sanding.

After Pressure Washing

After Pressure Washing

Picking a color has been a big challenge. I won’t tell you what we decided on quite yet.

Steffi can't decide...

Steffi can’t decide…

The last project (but definitely not the least) is stripping our new front door. Our friends Josh and Carl over in Howell Station were kind enough to give me their old front door for my birthday!!! Huge thanks to the both of them! The door is going to look great with the newly painted house.

Bungalow door restoration

Bungalow door restoration

We’ll post more about each of the projects as they progress, but there should be some big changes soon.

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Westview Bungalow Just Expanded!

Well… the website design expanded to take up more of your screen. The house is still the same size. But just look at all the extra space we have in here! Now we can make our photos larger and you don’t have to scroll so much to read the text.

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The BeltLine Needs Your Support


I’m sure you have heard about the recent events with GDOT and Amtrak in regards to the BeltLine. If you have not heard about the situation here are a couple articles to bring you up to date:

AJC – BELTLINE: Amtrak wants land for heavy rail
Creative Loafing – GDOT, AMTRAK throw wrench in Beltline plans

On Saturday the 31st at 2pm there will be a rally held in support of the BeltLine in Piedmont Park. The meeting point is at 10th and Monroe (by Park Tavern) where the BeltLine tracks cross Monroe. PLEASE come out and show your support!

The rally is organized by BeltLine Network. You can read more about it on their website at


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Bungalow Travels – Gaudi in Barcelona

We know. The blog has been neglected. Hopefully everybody made it through the holiday season and got everything they were hoping for! We spent the holidays in Spain visiting Steffi’s family, so as you can imagine not much got done around the house. We did decorate before we left – I’m not sure if that counts?

On our journey we stopped over in Barcelona for a few days. We have been there before, but last time we spent all day climbing around the towers at Sagrada Familia and everything else had closed! I have been longing to return to check out some of Gaudi’s other masterpieces. If you aren’t familiar with Gaudi he was Barcelona’s infamous Art Nouveau architect. (In Barcelona they call it Modernisme.) Google his name and you’ll immediately recognize his work. I think his professor really summed it up when he said “Who knows if we have given this diploma to a nut or to a genius. Time will tell.” I would probably describe live online casino him as a sculptor pretending to be an architect, but he still managed to find a way to weave both form and function into his work.

First we stopped off at Casa Batlló, a six story single-family home that was remodeled by Gaudi around 1905. (11-12 years before our bungalow was built!) Can you believe someone needed a six story home?!

Casa Batllo 1

As you can see from this picture the house has no straight lines.
Casa Batllo 2

Casa Batllo 3

Casa Batllo 4

Next we stopped off at La Pedrera, an apartment block built around the same time. It was amazing to see pictures of this place being constructed. It feels perfectly at home today, but in the old pictures it seems oddly out of place.

Check out the chimneys.

La Pedrera 1

The butler’s pantry! Note someone painted over their hardware as well.

La Pedrera 2

La Pedrera 3

If you have a spare 30 million Euros lying around Gaudi’s Casa Vicens is for sale – Somebody should have clued them in about the current state of the real estate market!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

This is totally unrelated to house stuff, but Patrick and I were preparing deviled eggs for Thanksgiving dinner and came across a “twin egg”!! Never seen that before. So…somehow that means HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope everyone was able to spend some quality fun time with loved ones over yummy food!

Thankgiving twin egg

P.S. Nolan, if you’re reading this, I think this egg is dedicated to you! :)

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