Updates All Around
Comments Off on Updates All AroundWe’ve had some house action again over the last few days. The contractors came back to fix some of the outstanding things, like the bathroom door and window received the missing cap molding.
They finally removed the pipe from our bedroom.
Molding was applied around the door in the laundry – still have to finish painting that part of the laundry room too. As you can see we’ve put up a quick curtain solution for some extra privacy on the door, and what you can’t see is that we also installed weather stripping on the bottom of the door to prevent water leaking in.
In addition our bathroom sink started leaking about 3 weeks ago and was finally fixed (we had an AWOL contractor for 4 weeks). What can I say – what a surprise that another plumbing-related item was not working!! After a month of using it at that. I think we better ask for an extended warranty on the plumbing work!
Then we had some more gardening fun…
Who said anything about child labor laws? Just kidding! Our niece came to spend the night and we decided to play in the dirt for a little bit. We started removing some grass so we can get a small vegetable garden started.
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